Summer wetsuit guide: Finding the right wetsuit thickness for this summer!
TIME 6 minutes
AUTHOR Augustus Schraven
Entschuldigung, es sieht so aus, als hätten wir nicht genug von diesem Produkt.
SRFACE Wetsuit-Wash ist ein biologisch abbaubares Reinigungskonzentrat für Neoprenprodukte. Es reduziert Umweltverschmutzung, senkt die Belastung für Mensch und Gewässer und ist zu 100 % biologisch abbaubar. Verlängere die Lebensdauer deiner Wetsuits und Neopren-Accessoires, indem du sie regelmäßig mit den Wetsuit-Cleaner reinigst.
Die SRFACE Velcro Straps (Paar) bieten eine zusätzliche Barriere gegen das Eindringen von Wasser durch die Beinmanschetten und halten den Anzug dicht und sicher. Sie wurden entwickelt, um das Eindringen von Wasser beim Surfen oder Kitesurfen zu verhindern, und lassen sich nahtlos mit dem Anzug und den Stiefeln verbinden, um zusätzliche Isolierung zu bieten. Die verstellbare Passform, der rutschfeste Innengriff und die weiche Neoprenpolsterung sorgen für dauerhaften Komfort. Ein kleines Upgrade mit großer Wirkung, das dich auch bei den kältesten Sessions warm hält.
TIME 6 minutes
AUTHOR Augustus Schraven
With this wetsuit thickness guide, we'll navigate through the optimal thicknesses for various water temperatures and explore the perfect SRFACE wetsuit model tailored to your surfing requirements. Let us guide you towards the ideal wetsuit for your summer surfing sessions.
Before diving in, consider this: Where will you be surfing this summer? Comfort is key when surfing, and there's nothing worse than feeling too warm or cutting a session short due to the cold. Getting your wetsuit thickness just right is crucial. That’s why we need to find the suitable thickness for each water temperature.
If you plan to spend summer in waters above 20 degrees (lucky you), your best bet will be one of our Flex or Neoprene Top & Springsuit models. These models are thin wetsuits with a main neoprene thickness of 2mm. In addition to the thin layer of neoprene, these wetsuits have GBS or flatlock stitching which lets some water through, ensuring you do not overheat during your paddle battles in warmer water.
A popular pick for summer wetsuits is the 3/2 mm full suit, short sleeve, or long sleeve shorty. Crafted with a 2mm or 3mm neoprene thickness for the core areas and a 2mm thickness for enhanced flexibility in the arms, shoulders, and lower legs, these wetsuits guarantee warmth during sessions in water temperatures of 15 degrees Celsius and above, all while maintaining exceptional flexibility.
Another popular pick among the summer options for European and US/Canadian surfers is a wetsuit with a 4/3 mm thickness. The main body part is covered with a thicker layer of 4mm neoprene, while the 3mm neoprene in the arms and lower legs keeps the suit flexible. The thickness makes it eligible for both your summer and autumn quiver, a perfect choice if you ask us!
Now that we’ve established the ideal millimeter thickness for various water temperatures, let’s turn our attention to finding the SRFACE model that aligns perfectly with your personal preferences.
At SRFACE, we believe in the elegance of simplicity. That’s why we’ve carefully designed four distinct wetsuit models for your summer wetsuit needs, each with its own unique set of qualities: Heat, Flex, Remix, and Eco. Beyond these core models, SRFACE offers a neoprene summer top for men and a springsuit for women. Ideal choices for those planning to embrace the upcoming summer in a tropical paradise. To clarify this set of options, we’ve curated the following quick insights for each model.
The name says it all, this wetsuit is all about keeping you warm. SRFACE Heat wetsuits are made with limestone neoprene and a couple of specific features in the wetsuit guarantee optimal thermal efficiency: Smoothskin chest and back panels and liquid sealed outside seams, for instance.
SRFACE Flex wetsuits are designed for maximum freedom of motion. This model is also made with limestone neoprene and has two additional models in the 2/2 mm thickness section, namely a long sleeve shorty for men and women and a 2/2 mm short sleeve shorty for men.
Inspired by invaluable customer feedback, our Remix model embodies both warmth and unparalleled freedom of movement. The wetsuit is made from Japanese Yamamoto #40 neoprene, which is currently the pinnacle of neoprene quality — the Remix ensures unmatched warmth and flexibility without compromise.
If you’re looking for the most sustainable wetsuit, the SRFACE Eco wetsuit is your best choice. SRFACE Eco wetsuits are made with Yulex®, a neoprene-free material. The flexible foam maximizes flexibility and insulation while causing minimal harm to our environment. All Yulex® rubber plantations are FSC® certified.
Bear in mind, these are just short insights into our models. If you want to learn more about them and their materials, here is everything you need to know!
At SRFACE, we like to keep things simple. That's why we've summarized our thickness advice in the thickness calculator. You can find it on every product detail page next to the button to select the wetsuit thickness. Find your home location, select your season, and we will provide the right wetsuit thickness. We'll meet you in the water!
TIME 6 minutes
AUTHOR Augustus Schraven
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