Getting the right wetsuit size
TIME 8 minutes
AUTHOR Augustus Schraven
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Wetsuit Shampoo
SRFACE Wetsuit Wash is een bio-hernieuwbaar geconcentreerd reinigingsmiddel voor neopreen producten. Het vermindert vervuiling en verlaagt zowel de menselijke als aquatische toxiciteit en is 100% biologisch afbreekbaar. Verleng de levensduur van je wetsuits en neopreen accessoires door ze regelmatig schoon te maken met deze wetsuit shampoo.
Klittenband Straps
De SRFACE Velcro Straps (set van twee) vormen een extra barrière tegen water intake via de beenmanchetten, waardoor je wetsuit goed afgesloten blijft. Ontworpen om spoeling te voorkomen bij surfen of kitesurfen, sluiten ze naadloos aan op je wetsuit en surfboots voor extra isolatie. Met een verstelbare pasvorm, een kleverige binnenzijde voor stevige grip en zachte neopreen padding voor langdurig comfort. Een kleine upgrade met een groot effect—houd je warmer, zelfs in de koudste sessies.
TIME 8 minutes
AUTHOR Augustus Schraven
A wetsuit is a tight-fitting flexible garment designed to keep you warm in cold water. To get the most out of your wetsuit, it is extremely important that it fits your body like a second skin. Normal clothes have a relatively small range of sizes compared to wetsuits. So how do you determine your size? Almost all wetsuit brands offer a large variety of sizes to fit different body types. Wetsuit sizes are a combination of your full height, chest circumference, and waist width. If you’re not sure what wetsuit size is best for you, use the SRFACE Size Finder.
Multiple factors determine the right wetsuit fit. Firstly, make sure you buy a wetsuit that matches your body type and measurements by using the SRFACE Size Finder or a size chart. It’s the easiest way to determine your wetsuit size. A wetsuit should feel snug and slightly tight the first time you try it on. This is normal. Of course, you should be able to move freely and breathe normally, but neoprene is flexible and will stretch slightly with use, just like a new pair of jeans. Your wetsuit shouldn’t show ‘air bubbles’, wrinkles, or excess material under the arms, shoulders, and crotch. These air bubbles might fill themselves with water and will drastically influence the wetsuit’s performance. If you’re not sure what size to choose, ask our customer support team to help you out.
– Your neck collar seals tightly
– The arms and crotch fit tightly
– You’re able to lift your arms without too much resistance
– You’re able to bend down and forward without too much resistance
When buying a wetsuit online, you can use our Size Finder, an intuitive online size chart. The Size Finder recommends the best wetsuit size based on your body measurements. Enter your height, weight, chest, and waist measurements, and the Size Finder will calculate the best size for you. Note that wetsuit sizes and fit are different for each brand, so always check the size finder or size chart carefully to make sure you fit a certain size before buying a wetsuit online.
To determine your wetsuit size, measure your height from the bottom of your heels to the top of your head. The best way to do this is to stand against a doorpost and lay a book vertically on the top of your head. Measure from the floor to the bottom of the book to determine your exact height. After you have checked your height, weigh yourself on a quality scale.
Your body weight is a good indicator for your chest and waist width. For example, if you’re 180cm tall and weigh 82kg, you’ll most likely fit a size L (Large). But be cautious, your body weight doesn’t guarantee a perfect match. Body weight is distributed differently for every individual. To be 100% sure you get the right wetsuit size, you’ll need two more measurements: your chest and waist circumference. This will give you a better idea about your body type and will avoid unnecessary size exchanges.
To get the best results when using an online size chart, measure your chest circumference or chest size. This size is one of the most important measurements to determine your wetsuit size. How to measure your chest size? Get a flexible tape measure (or rope if you don’t have one) and measure around the widest part of your chest, just under your armpits at the nipple line. Your measurements might be influenced by breathing in and out. To correct for this, use the average of your inhalation and exhalation while breathing naturally. For instance, your chest might measure 103cm.
After you’ve determined your chest size, measure the circumference of your waist. Measure around your waistline, just above your belly button and below your rib cage. For instance, your waist might measure 87cm, which means you’re a size L (Large)!
Wetsuit size Medium means you are a medium in length and a medium in chest and waist width. Now imagine you’re a medium in body height but you’ve been working out lately. A medium might feel too tight in the shoulders, chest, and waist. You’re actually a Large in body width. In that case, you might want to try an LS (Large Short), which is a fancy name for a Large in width but a Medium in height. Your normal clothing size will give you a first indication of what wetsuit size to choose. But to make sure you choose the right wetsuit size, we recommend carefully measuring your body sizes. Almost every wetsuit size comes in a short (S) and tall (T) size to fit different body types.
In roughly 90% of the cases, the SRFACE Size Finder finds the right wetsuit size. In some cases, you will match some of the variables but not all of them. For instance, you’re 176cm tall (S, M, or LS height), you weigh 80kg (LS weight), but your chest measures 100cm in width (which falls in the Medium size range of M and MT).
In these cases, SRFACE offers personal and real-time wetsuit size advice. Get in touch with our experienced customer support team run by surfers, and we’ll walk you through finding the right wetsuit size. In these rare cases, it’s often better to choose a wetsuit that fits your width rather than your height. The arms and legs might be a bit too short or long, but at least the wetsuit is able to do its job by keeping your core warm. It’s always better to buy a wetsuit that fits snugly than a wetsuit that’s too wide.
Keep in mind the amount of flexibility when choosing a wetsuit. A more flexible wetsuit often fits better than a stiffer wetsuit. More flexibility provides more comfort and less restriction when surfing. A high-end wetsuit can be cut smaller to fit snugly around your body without feeling uncomfortable due to the neoprene’s stretch.
TIME 8 minutes
AUTHOR Augustus Schraven
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